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Hey, there's new stuff!

Fixlinic is constantly becoming better. Here are some notable new features and improvements to Fixlinic since it first launched.
What's coming in? See upcoming features.

May, 2023

Patients: Archive Patients

Archiving patients is bittersweet. Joyful if they are all better and don't need you anymore, and not so much if they have ghosted you. But keeping your patients' list active only is good for your soul. And you know what they say, "Out with the old, in with the new."

April, 2023

Appointments: calendar view

Colour coordination makes everything easier to read, so we have upgraded the Appointment Types by a colour setting. You can now layout your calendar like Trinny does her wardrobe!

March, 2023

Appointments: Reschedule appointments

Reschedule your client's next appointment at the push of a button while Fixlinic takes care to notify the patient automatically.

March, 2023

Appointments: Booking confirmations for clients

Built-in functionality to automatically email notifications to clients about their appointments.

March, 2023

Appointments: Custom calendar view

You can customise your weekly calendar view with working hours and time format that suit best your working patterns.

February, 2023

Appointments: calendar view

As soon as we added the calendar view, we heard a big YAY from all our users. And a YAY it is! With a weekly view, you have transparency on your upcoming bookings and availability.

February, 2023

Forms: Automated patient response

Automation. Oh, what a beauty that is! Nothing quite like the feeling that things are happening for you while you sleep, eat or do nothing at all. The online intake form now has built-in functionality to automatically send it upon booking an appointment. Patients can fulfil it in their own time, save each section and return to it anytime. The completed form will always be at your fingertips, sitting nicely in the Form Responses section.

January, 2023

Patients: intake forms

Is the online intake form for new patients still on your to-do list?

Well, you can cross that off now and make yourself a cup of tea instead. We did it for you!

The ready-made comprehensive intake form for your new acupuncture patient now sits proudly in the Forms section.

You can edit it if you wish and preview it to look at it with your patient's eyes.

Most importantly, you can see the patient's underlying condition before their first appointment. Triumph!

December, 2022

Web Pages: fields for SEO

You want your website to be easy to google, don't you?

We totally get that, so we have added a title and description fields to the page functionality. They help both users and search engines quickly understand what content they can expect to find on your page.

Go and tinker with Search Engine Optimization like a PRO!

October, 2022

Custom appointment types

You know best what your practice is all about. You can now add your own appointment types, set up a duration and add a description. And to speed up the booking process, you can set up a primary appointment type. Efficiency is key!

September, 2022


We are there! We can book appointments in Fixlinic. A calendar view will follow shortly.

September, 2022

Treatment notes

Imagine login into new software and having NO NEED to customise the notes section. YUP, we did it for you.

Or even better, imagine a treatment notes system that allows you to copy points prescription from a previous treatment with one click... shhhhhh don't tell anyone.

August, 2022


All Patients' info in one place. Privacy-focused, Secure, GDPR-compliant, and you don't have to even think about it.

July, 2022

Web Pages: custom domains

Can you link a website created via Fixlinic to your domain? Sure, you can! Just get in touch, and we will help you with it.

June, 2022

Web Pages: accreditations

Proud of your degree and memberships? So you should be! You can now add your accreditations via web page settings.

June, 2022

Web Pages: layouts

Variety is the spice of life, they say. We find this to be true when it comes to websites. You can now customise each page's layouts and imagery as much as you like. Go, crazy kids!

May, 2022

Web Pages: spam protection .............................

Dear spammers of Eurasia,

   No, thank you.

   Everyone at Fixlinic

March, 2022

Web Pages: settings

You can now personalise your website with a logo, and direct links to your social media platforms. Yippee!

February, 2022

Web Pages: green theme

What is the colour for health and wellness? Yes, you are right. It's green, and so is our universal colour palette for web pages.

We will add a new template in 2023, but the green theme is a hard act to follow.

February, 2022

Web Pages

You can now create yourself a web page. Ta-da! No middleman, no code, no headache, no fuss...

...and, you can update it anytime. No extra cost, no people to email and have them do it, no waiting for an update, no chasing, and no checking if done...

We guess that is enough of Nos, and you get the picture. Just go and do it anytime you need to. Enjoy your freedom and keep your pennies.

January, 2022


One place to rule them all: Patients, Appointments, Treatment Notes and your Website. Just one click away from each other. Hurray!

January, 2022


The day the acupuncturists got a better software. Launch day.